Season 5, Episode 1
Millennial author/speaker Ben Courson joins us to discuss his latest book, “Flirting with Darkness,”and to share some practical ways to build hope in your darkest hour of depression.
The Praisecast team offers up a few suggestions on how to not go crazy working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, Bekah provides highlights from her first Covid era birthday party, and the team tries to determine whether it would be better to be Samson or Solomon. “I’m glad you said that because neuroplasticity is one of my favorite words!”
Show Notes:
Combating Coronavirus: Building a Strong Immune System (free fact sheet)
In the Mix:
Show Guest:
Learn More about Ben Courson and Flirting with Darkness

Watch a Video Trailer for Flirting with Darkness
The Textbook Definition for Neuroplasticity
The ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.
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Would You Rather … The Church Edition!
A Friendly Reminder That It’s Probably Not a Good Idea to Take on the Animal Kingdom … Hint, Hint Chris!
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